Sunday 23 May 2010

Confessions of a "Smart" Wrestling Fan - The shameless promotion starts here!!!!

Okay. This is it. No going back now. Well, you could but that'd be really, really rude. You are really only rude unwittingly. Like the time you listened to your iPod during the office Christmas meal.

Sorry for the personal pep type. Onto business.

So, I'm going to Edinburgh not as a punter, but as a performer. Not as a critic, but as a comedian (for lack of a better noun).

The show is called 'Confessions of a "Smart" Wrestling Fan. It will be a VERY autobiographical piece about my lifelong fascination with squared-circle theatrics that will be used as a way to touch upon events in my life up to this point, the political climate of the last twenty years and some of our deep-seated psychological tics and prejudices.

It will also include some jokes about pornography and very lame puns.

So, the road to Edinburgh starts here...

1 comment:

  1. This sounds interesting especially as I'm working on an article looking at the relationship between theatre and pro wrestling. Could you Email me at with more info?
